Naha anjeun terang yén cai tiasa hérang ti cinyusu?

Naha anjeun terang yén cai tiasa hérang ti cinyusu?

Cai herang anu populér. Éta disebut SODA sareng sadayana terang yén aranjeunna didamel sacara artifisial. Ku cara nambahkeun karbon dioksida (baheula karbon dioksida) kana cai. TAPI AYA CAI NU ALAMI HEUREH! Maranehna "SOURS" Ceko barat laut mangrupakeun kakuatan dunya pikeun aranjeunna....
Konferensi nasional jubileum ka-20 GIZI JEUNG KESEHATAN

Konferensi nasional jubileum ka-20 GIZI JEUNG KESEHATAN

The Czech Medical Society, Society of Hygiene and Community Medicine, the Society for Nutrition Prague, the 3rd Faculty of Medicine of the University of Prague, the KHS of the Ústí Region with its headquarters in Ústí nad Labem, the Health Institute with its headquarters di Ústí nad Lamb sareng ALWAC a.s. diayakeun 20-22 Séptémber 2016 di...