Nicely preserved classic SEDLITZ mug

Jaječická bitter the water from the Sedleck estate spread all over the world as SEDLITZ, the name was easily remembered and pronounced by most nations.

The spread of peasant powders was truly worldwide

According to the first edition of the Encyclopaedia Brittanica, she was together with Bílinská kyselka Sedlecká water known throughout the civilized world". Both waters of the Lobkovicky princely directorate of the Bílina springs spontaneously gave their name to the first globally widespread product of a new field called pharmacy. The product was called Saddle powders and it was a package of two powders, one of which imitated Bílinská kyselka and the other Zaječickou hořkou water.

The first powder imitating Bílinská was actually a chemically prepared artificial acid. The second, imitating Zaječická, contained fake bitter salt. (Mostly Glauber's salt)

Sedlecké powders used the fame of Bílinská and Zaječická, but their composition was unsuitable. They could not match the quality of the original originals. British and American balneologists eventually enforced a ban on the use of the name Sedlecké powders for these artificially produced medicines. For some time, drugs with derived names, such as Seiditline, were still produced.

Saddle powders from Arden