Information about activities taking place in the spa environment has already appeared in the press several times Bílinské kyselky. So we hit the road to ask the questions our readers are interested in. At the mineral water bottling plant, in the private company BHMW CZ a.s., marketing manager Karel Bašta, production plant director Zdeněk Nogol and bottling plant foreign trade manager Vojtěch Milko answered our questions.

Jakékoliv aktivity na Bílinské kyselce jsou veřejností bedlivě sledovány. Myslíte si, že je informovanost veřejnosti dostatečná?

We are glad that the reconstruction of the bottling plant on Kiselka is attracting the attention of the public. We also know that there is a lot of inaccurate information circulating among people, created by mixing the facts we have published with various speculations. We think that the whole thing will benefit if we now try to put everything into perspective", answers Vojtěch Milko.

Tématem, které jitří myšlenky veřejnosti, jsou dotace. Můžete nám o těch vašich říct něco bližšího?

ZN: First of all, it is necessary to remind that our subsidy title is the European OPPI program, not regional subsidies allocated within regions.
Many think of the term subsidy as support for something dysfunctional that is on the verge of extinction, and a generous subsidy will allow it to function again for a few years. If that's the case somewhere, it's definitely not our case. In our case, European subsidies will only be paid retroactively, based on whether we properly fulfill our obligations regarding the quality of work, development and innovation. So, in popular terms, we must first show the result of what we committed to, only then the subsidies will be gradually paid.

Několikrát jste se prezentovali projektem „Nová kyselka pro Bílinu 21.století“. O co se vlastně jedná?

KB: This is a vision, a concept and a plan, the following of which will restore the glory of an important spa and cultural center to the city of Bílina. Bílina definitely has the potential to return to glory, and the results of our marketing surveys prove it.

Kdo je autorem projektu Kyselka21?

VM: Currently, our marketing team is involved in the creation of the project, which uses expertise and help from specialized companies, architects, but also from among our volunteer advisors. We put our own resources into the project, but we choose very effective investment methods so that the most is created for the least amount of money.
We know that the whole project is bold, but it is feasible. It is based on clear and sober economic outlooks and facts.

A kdo by měl stát za realizací těchto vizí?

KB: All of us who are not indifferent to the fate of our surroundings must stand behind the implementation. That is, not only us behind the bottling plant, but also the management of the city of Bílina supported by the will of the residents. Citizens must want to support the project of returning our city to glory, it will not work without them.
Only the immediate surroundings belong to our bottling plant, everything else belongs to the city and some other owners. Construction work must be carried out by the land owners.

A kdo by měl nad realizací vizí projetku Kyselka21 dohlížet?

VM: According to our idea, it should be a specialized group of people who would ensure compliance with the project's rules. We would contribute to this group with our know-how and marketing. We would like the entire project to be completely transparent, just as our entire current first stage of reconstruction is.

Velká čelní budova paří vaší společnosti, plánujete i u této budovy nějaké další využití?

ZN: We would definitely like to make the spaces in the main building available not only to museum exhibits, but also, for example, to people dealing with future spa and cultural life. For example, the headquarters of the organization Kyselka21 could be here.

A kdy tedy by se tedy měl projekt Kyselka21 začít realizovat?

VM: First of all, we would like to show people the finished ideas and the project. In the first stage of our reconstruction and revitalization of the heart of the kyselka, we will therefore restore the bottling plant and the central building, which forms the entrance to the spa complex, and put into operation a new modern production plant. People will then be able to judge for themselves whether we are able to be part of this vision and plans.

Jaká je vaše motivace zabývat se rozvojem okolí stáčírny?

VM: We feel that it is our duty to participate in the development of the famous history, which is evidenced not only by surviving writings, but also by beautiful buildings and the high architectural value of the area. We are people who want to build on these foundations and restore sour cream to its place on the European and even the world map.
Of course, the social value of Bílinských products and services will also grow with the development of the soursop. Our foreign partners are delighted with the beauty of the soursop and still wonder if this glorious history will continue. They assume that at least a small functional spa will be created here. Let's not forget that part of the proceeds Bílinské kyselky according to our obligations to the state, it belongs to balneological use in the spa complex.

A máte ještě nějaké plány ohledně balneologie?

ZN: Together with our experts, we want to develop a detailed study and methodical manual for the use of our mineral waters, similar to our colleagues in Russia at the University of St. Petersburg State Medical Academy II Mechnikov. We want to build on historical studies and use modern techniques to describe the effectiveness of mineral components. This will be advantageous due to incorporation into current medical legislation. Let's remember that balneology in the Czech Republic has its beginnings here in Bílina. In the beginning, for example, father and sons Reuss, Friedrich Hoffman (discoverer Jaječické bitter water) and Josef Löschner, who then participated in the development of treatment procedures in other spas. In Karlovy Vary, Mariánské Lázně and others.

Plánujete i nějaké další produkty ohledně minerálních vod?

KB: Yes. We have indications, which are confirmed by the past as well as the present, that our mineral waters are a suitable basis for cosmetic products, but also in preparations for the regulation of digestion.

Co tedy může každý udělat pro podporu tohoto projektu?

VM: So let's use the remaining few months to think. We would like to invite readers to also contribute in writing to the address with their ideas and suggestions on what would be appropriate to establish or build in the forest park. We will incorporate the most interesting ideas into the project and publish them on the website.
We must not forget that Kyselka21 is not a private project of the bottling plant. It is a challenge that we, city leaders and citizens can use for building and public benefit.

A poslední otázka. Můžeme se těšit na nějaké další vizualizace či projekty na vašich stránkách?

KB: We are about to present to the public a professional study of modern, attractive and purposeful lighting in the spa environment. In some places, this lighting will emphasize the art nouveau look of the buildings, in other places it will be modern and will glow dimly when no one is around to save energy, extend the life of the lights, but also reduce the impact on the park's fauna.
We will also present a study on the construction of effective and attractive noise reduction for rail and road traffic, which will really benefit everyone, not only spa guests, athletes and vacationers, but also residents of remote houses in the city.

Thanks for the interview.

More about the Kyselka21 project at and our Facebook page