Sparkling waters are popular. They are called SODA and everyone knows that they are MANUFACTURED ARTIFICIALLY. By adding carbon dioxide (formerly carbon dioxide) to water.


The Czech northwest is a world power for them. If their name was created today, they would rather be called "oxygen plants". Acidity does not mean that the water is "acidic", but that it contains naturally bound carbonic OXYGEN.

Devices for the production of artificial acids

Naturally sparkling springs have been a mystery for centuries, but their effervescence was very popular. It is refreshing and the water also stays fresh longer. Therefore, there was a demand to produce imitations, i.e. artificial sours. This was accomplished by a gentleman named Schweeps.

It is possible to produce MUCH more artificial acid than can be made from acid springs. While natural springs produce on the order of liters per minute, artificially produced sours are produced in thousands of liters per minute and form the backbone of the beverage industry today. They are also the basis of all kinds of lemonades and we can even make them at home from soda bottles. The name soda is derived from the American abbreviation of bicarbonate of soda, i.e. sodium bicarbonate.

She is the queen of European springs Bílinská kyselka. It combines the properties of alkaline spa water, identical to the springs in Vichy, but it springs cold in the form of ACID. The content of its natural saturation is 3 g of oxygen per liter.